San Rocco Oratory

of the Archdiocese of Chicago

Father Fontana leading prayer
Here, Father Fontana leads the people in a prayer for healing, a prayer directed to God our Father. Indviduals from many parishes have gathered this evening at San Rocco Oratory.

Ministry of Healing

Father Glenn Fontana is from the Diocese of Peoria, St. Joseph's parish in Pekin, Illinois.  He spends much time travelling from parish to parish, to celebrate the Eucharist on weekdays and to welcome healing for illnesses of mind and body.  With the permission of his bishop, this is his primary ministry.  St. Rocco Oratory has been happy to welcome Father Fontana in our midst.

If you wish, you can visit Father Fontana's website directly.  It's Mary's Helpers, Inc.

It is not simply a question of devotion.  There is also the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, given to anyone who is seriously ill, usually in the hospital by a chaplain.  We have also had Votive Masses for individuals who were very ill; family members would gather at the oratory to pray together for that person.  We did this, for example, for Lynn Panici. 

San Rocco Oratory

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