San Rocco Oratory

of the Archdiocese of Chicago

Nick DiGiovanni speaking before Mass
Above, Nick DiGiovanni speaks before Mass begins.

DiGiovanni Family before Mass begins
DiGiovanni Family before Mass begins.

Votive Mass

While normally the Eucharist is associated with the Church, the Sunday gathering, we also celebrate the Mass for special occasions, such as weddings and funerals.  Moreover, for a special intention, a Votive Mass can be scheduled.  For the health and life of Doreen DiGiovanni, wife of Sam, for example, her extended family assembled at San Rocco Oratory, to pray for her intention.

People praying for Doreen DiGiovanni
All day, many people make use of the hall and the church, to pray for Doreen DiGiovanni. The many relatives and friends have been gathered together by her sons, on her behalf.

San Rocco Oratory

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