| Steven and Kristy Poerio, with baby Anthony, on the day of baptism, June 9, 2001.
| Above, immediately after his baptism in water, Jack LoCascio is anointed with oil blest by our bishop. He seems quite content.
| John and Maria LoCascio, with baby Jack. John's mother, Giovanna Incandela, is in the back.
John Max and Jake Ryan Santaniello:
| From
the left, above, are the parents, Dr. John Santaniello and Dr. Sun Min.
Then come the godparents, Arla Ostberg, Kwang Min, Adriana Anderson,
Fiorangelo Santaniello, and Teresa Bravo.
Compari tutti!
| At
the end of the liturgy, there is a special blessing for the mother, the
father, and for all of us. Above, Dr. Santaniello, father, receives a
Merissa Sebastian:
| As
part of their profession of faith, the parents and godparents answer "I
do" to each of six questions. Above, they sing together the hymn, "Lord
Jesus." From the left, these are Susan, Merissa, and David Sebastian,
as well as the godparents, Mark Sebastian and Michelle Juliani.
| At
the end of the baptism, the family gathers around the altar, for the
Our Father and a final blessing. Above, Susan, the mother, holds her
daughter, Merissa. The paschal candle in front of the altar, is lit.
| From
the left are Michael DeButch, godfather, Gina Candeloro DeButch,
mother, Michael DeButch, father, and Anne Klos, godmother. The newly
baptized baby is Trevor Anthony.
Matteo Jacob Vazquez:
| At
the end of the liturgy of baptism, the family gathers around the altar,
to say the Our Father together. Above, the mother, Patricia Vasquez,
holding a candle, is standing between Joy Garcia, godmother, on the
left, and Emilio Betancourt, godfather, on the right.
This baptism took place at San Rocco on September 22, 2004.
Katelyn Wess
| December 11, 2005: Baptism of Katelyn Wess: anointing with oil after the pouring of water.
Rocco DeBergh
| April
15, 2007: Baptism of Rocco DeBergh, son of Christy Brown and Jason
DeBergh, on the right. This is the profession of faith by the parents
and godparents. On the left are Michaelene Brown and Ryan DeBergh,
godparents. Note that Rocco is paying attention, eagerly.
| After the baptism, parents and godparents hold a lit candle. Again, note that Rocco is very interested in the flame.
| At the end of the baptism liturgy, the people gather around the altar for the Our Father and a final blessing.
Jeremy Garcia
| After
the sermon, we sing the Litany of the Saints; the people respond "Pray
for Us." Above, Paul Rodriquez leads the procession down the main aisle.
| Carol Garcia carries her baby, Jeremy; Marcos, her husband, is to the right.
| After
the Profession of Faith, all sing "Lord Jesus, Shepherd." Above, from
the left, are Father Gilligan, godparents Antonio and Rose Cipolla, the
parents, and Jeremy. Mike Pena is on the right, holding a candle.
| Right after the baptism with water of Jeremy Garcia, all sing "Amen." They do the same after the anointing.
| Together, the family holds the candle, as a reminder of their faith, to be passed on to Jeremy.
congratulations to you, on the birth of your child. Please accept
our welcome, as you plan to have your child baptized in the
Catholic faith. The San Rocco community rejoices with you and is
privileged to share your joy. We will do all we can to help you in
your journey of faith and in your family life, according to your needs. Your Preparation for Your Child's Baptism The
baptism of adults forms our model for understanding this sacrament,
followed, as it is, by confirmation and first Holy Communion.
Following ancient tradition, we also baptize babies, so that from the
very beginning of their lives they come to know Jesus Christ, his
teaching, and his Church. As you know, this is the heritage also
of the Orthodox Church and most mainline Christian Churches. It
means that we want to give our children every opportunity, every grace,
and every support possible; from infancy, our children can belong to the
Church and share its life.
both confirmation and first Holy Communion, as of now, will be
celebrated later for your child, in this time we want to look ahead to
these sacraments as well as baptism. Your preparation for baptism
in this moment is also preparation for your child's life of
faith, in the years to come. That's why the role of the parents in
the baptism celebration is so important. You pledge to live your
faith, in order to share it with your child as time goes by. With
regard to baptism of infants, it is usually best if they are baptized
in the church where the Catholic parent(s) go to Sunday Mass. This
is so, in part, to help the family form a bond with the local parish,
which would normally be the parents' first community of
faith. However, those who wish to have a baby baptized at San
Rocco may do so, with permission of their local pastor. They
should first meet with the rector, Father Gilligan, who may be reached
at (708) 331-5845. At
San Rocco Oratory, it is customary for the parent(s) to have such a
meeting with the rector in any case. This is the required
baptism preparation session, found in most parishes today. This
meeting takes place in South Holland, at State Street and Taft
(166th). Here are directions.
Go north on Halsted; turn east on 163rd for one mile. Enter by the
black stairs on Taft; ring the doorbell. Call for an appointment. You
have to have at least one godparent who is a practicing Catholic, that
is, a Catholic who goes to Sunday Mass regularly. The role of such
a godparent is to help the family raise the child Catholic. You can
have any number of other godparents, of any persuasion, as you wish. One excellent book is Together at Baptism by Robert Hamma. Another is Your Baby's Baptism by Rosemary Gallagher. These books were written just for parents who are preparing for the baptism of their child. You can also get an excellent introduction to the sacraments of initation at the ACP Family Bookstore, with many valuable books on baptism.
How and When On
the day of baptism, say, Sunday, just come to Mass a little early; sit
in the first pew, on the left. There are some brief
preparatory rites that take place right before Mass begins. The
baptism itself is celebrated after the sermon. While a litany is
sung, the family and godparents, with the child, go to the back of
church in procession, to the baptistry, led by a server with a lit
candle. After the petitions, especially for the parents, the
family, and the child, the litany of saints which follows usually
includes the first names of the parents and godparents. Usually,
the reponse to the petitions is Lord, we beg you, hear our prayer. The response to the litany of the saints is pray for us.
The whole congregation sings these responses with the parents and
godparents. This brief procession ends at the baptismal font. There,
we profess our faith and renew our baptismal vows. With the
parents and godparents, we answer "I do" to each of six questions.
Usually, then, we sing the hymn Lord Jesus, to the tune of Amazing Grace.
After the words of baptism ("___, I baptize you..."), the people sing
Amen. Again, after the anointing, they sing Amen a second
time. Using a candle lit from the Easter candle, the parents
and godparents accept the candle as a gift. We then go back to the pews, as a hymn is sung by the congregation, usually, God through Water, to the tune of Sing of Mary.
At the end of Mass, a special blessing is given to
the mother, then the father, standing in front of the altar. Baptism, then, takes place at Sunday Mass,
after the sermon, or apart from Mass, say, at 11:30, as you
wish. In general, it's good to celebrate baptism at Mass, so
that your family enjoys the welcome of the community. But the
choice is yours.
Announcements to Be Mailed Out Beforehand You
may wish to send out custom printed announcements, ahead of time, to
your friends and relatives. You may also wish to include a photo
of your new baby, as well as personal information you want to
share. To order such custom printed announcements, you can do so
at Apex Custom Printing. They will be glad to help you. If you have never visited Apex previously, you can visit a convenient, online introduction, to make your ordering easier.
What Baptism Has to Do with Going to Mass If
neither parent goes to Mass at all, baptism at San Rocco
Oratory perhaps should be postponed until at least one of the
parents is churchgoing. It is hard to raise a child Catholic in
that situation; and baptism involves a new life for the child, in
the Catholic faith. If neither parent is a practicing
Catholic, that sacrament will fail to have its intended
effect. However, the need to have the child baptized
may help a parent return to the practice of the faith.
So, for this reason, we would need to meet and talk before the
baptism takes place. Catholics
and Orthodox believe that regular attendance at Sunday Mass is
essential to the Christian life. That's our whole history.
Except for illness or other extenuating circumstance, Sunday
Mass is the foundation of our faith. No amount of
private prayer or Bible reading or virtuous life can compensate
for a lack of participation in the sacramental life of the
Church. Baptism is intended to be an introduction to that
sacramental life. Therefore, at the time of baptism, it is
important that at least one of the parents truly is practicing the
faith, so that the child will not be deprived of what he or she needs,
in years to come.
believe that family prayer is essential. as well as keeping Saturday
holy. Muslims believe that daily prayer, five times, with
Friday meeting, is essential. Both these traditions bind the men
to such commandments. The Christian faith, however, binds both men
and women equally, to the Sunday Eucharist, faithfully. Such an
observance is not devout or pious; it is the minimum that is
expected. That is part of the meaning of the promises made
at baptism by the parents and godparents. Keeping the faith means
participating in Sunday Mass, week after week, in any Catholic or
Orthodox church. For
parents who go to Mass regularly, all this is nothing new; Sunday
attendance would be taken for granted. That family environment is
what is presumed as the right context for infant baptism.
Luncheon Afterwards Many
families plan a luncheon after the liturgy of baptism. If you
wish, you are welcome to reserve our hall for this purpose, over on the
east of the parking lot. This hall has complete kitchen and dining
facilities, with plenty of seating. To reserve this hall for your family's use, after the baptism, please call Yvette Betancourt at (708) 654-7497. She will be happy to help you and to answer any questions you may have.
Roster of Baptisms at San Rocco Oratory: 1. Luciano Petrongelli, August 15, 1999, of Luciano Petrongelli and Rosa Graziano. 2. James Sullivan Reece, December 4, 1999, of James Sullivan and Renee Rees Sullivan. 3. Gabriel Andres Betancourt, July 16, 2000, of Andres Betancourt and Doris Valdez. 4. Alessandra Giulietta, July 30, 2000, of Joseph Panici and Deanna Pagor. 5. Gianna Paolilli, June 3, 2000, of Joncarlo Paolilli and Rachel Blankenberger. 6. Ciana Maria Poerio, May 7, 2000, of Steven Poerio and Kristina Lynn Elardi. 7. Sebastian D'Onorio, August 6, 2000, of Armando D'Onorio and Melissa Quattrocchi. 8. Tyler Thomas Palanca, Oct. 29, 2000, of Joseph Palanca and Julie Pershey. 9. Alina Ila Palombi, December 3, 2000, of Tony Palombi and Alysa Koehler. l0. Giana Carmen Mattio, December 17, 2000, of James Mattio and Elisa Brown. 11. James Nicholas Renzetti, February 18, 2001, of Jeffrey Renzetti and Laura Carey. 12. Anthony Michael Poerio, June 9, 2001, of Steven Poerio and Kristina Lynn Elardi. 13. Collin Patrick Sands, June 10, 2001, of Patrick Sands and Kimberly Sarek. 14. Gino Joseph Panici, July 15, 2001, of Joseph Panici and Heidi Patzer. 15. Dimitri Eugene Planera, September 9, 2001, of Eugene Planera and Dalia Ojeda. 16. Jacalyn Petrelli, adult, already baptized, August 26, 2001: Profession of faith and confirmation. 17. Alexandra Christine Bakker, November 18, 2001, of Justin Bakker and Lisa DiGiovanni. 18. Benjamin Thomas Palanca, March 31, 2002, of Patrick Palanca and Angela Henry. 19. Isabella Marie Palanca, March 31, 2002, of Patrick Palanca and Angela Henry. 20. Benjamin Xavier Hilgen, August 4, 2002, of David Hilgen and Katherine Vena. 21. Anthony Joseph Mattio, August 18, 2002, of James Mattio and Elisa Brown. 22. Jack Joseph LoCascio, August 25, 2002, of John LoCascio and Maria Pistone. 23. Janice Marie Melillo, May 11, 2003, of Ezias Malonado and Angela Melillo. 24. Julia Marie Sands, May 18, 2003, of Patrick Sands and Kim Sarek. 25. Joseph Panici, May 18, 2003, of Joseph Panici and Deanna Pagor. 26. Luca Pietro Randazzo, July 20, 2003, of Rosario Randazzo and Enza Incandela. 27. Matteo Petrongelli, August 31, 2003, of Luciano Petrongelli and Rosa Graziano. 28. Kristopher Kalch, October 5, 2003, of Kristopher Kalch and Michelle Prisco. 29. Rose Granno, adult, already baptized, December 28, 2003: Profession of Faith and confirmation. 30. David Hilgen, adult, already baptized, December 28, 2003: Profession of Faith and confirmation. 31. Monica Garcia, adult, already baptized and confirmed, December 28, 2003: Profession of Faith. 32. Jon Niemi, January 4, 2004, adult, of Raymond Niemi and Esther Heinonen; confirmation. 33. John Max Santaniello, January 25, 2004, of John Santaniello and Sun Min. 34. Jake Ryan Santaniello, January 25, 2004, of John Santaniello and Sun Min. 35. Marissa Christina Sebastian, April 18, 2004, of David Louis Sebastian and Susan Lynn Napoli. 36. Trevor Anthony DeButch, May 28, 2004, of Michael DeButch and Gina Candeloro. 37. Sofia Josephina Pena, June 20, 2004, of Michael Pena and Sharon Prisco. 38. Matteo Jacob Vazquez, August 22, 2004, of Arturo Reyes and Patricia Vazquez. 39. Gabriella Brianne Mattio, November 14, 2004, of Jamie Mattio and Elisa Brown. 40. Phoebe Grace Krumdick, November 21, 2004, of Stephen Krumdieck and Nickol Fushi. (Variant in spelling of names is correct.) 41. Gabriella Maria Randazzo, January 16, 2005, of Rosario Randazzo and Enza Incandela. 42. Vincent Michael Kalch, March 27, 2005, of Krisopher Kalch and Michelle Prisco. 43. Tomasino Amadio, June 5, 2005, of Thomas Amadio and Allison Hall. 44. Emilia Rosemarie Hilgen, July 31, 2005, of David Hilgen and Kathi Vena. 45. Paul Preuss, November 28, 2005, adult, baptized, confirmed, and given first Holy Communion. 46. Katelyn Wess, December 11, 2005, of Christopher Wess and Donna Petrelli. 47. Giovanna Locascio, January 1, 2006, of John Locascio and Maria Pistone. 48. MacKenzie Kathleen Linzmeier, March 5, 2006, of Brian Linzmeier and Renee Fares. 49. Joseph Carlo Krumdieck, May 28, 2006, of Stephen Krumdick and Nickol Fushi. (Variant in spelling of names is correct.) 50. Gianna Marie Amadio, July 30, 2006, of Tom Amadio and Allison Hall. 51. Anthony David Sebastian, Sept. 17, 2006, of David Sebastian and Susan Lynn Napoli. 52. Rocco August DeBergh, April 15, 2007, of Jason DeBergh and Christy Brown. 53. Dominic William Marinucci, June 17, 2007, of Robert Marinucci and Kristen Albano. 54. Daniel Ronald Peterson, June 8, 2008, of Daniel Peterson and Elizabeth Fushi. 55. Marissa Cristina Soto, July 12, 2008, of Bernardo Soto and Cristina Ayala. 56. Vanessa Cristina Soto, July 12, 2008, of Bernardo Soto and Cristina Ayala. 57. Jeremy Garcia, July 20, 2008, of Marcos Garcia and Carol.