San Rocco Oratory

of the Archdiocese of Chicago

Enza and Rosario Randazzo:

Sept 14, 2002: Rosario Randazzo and Enza Incandela


Both the rector and the community of San Rocco are glad to share your joy, at the time of your marriage and, if you remain part of the community, for many years to come.  We will do all we can to help you prepare for a happy life together, with the grace that is given through Jesus Christ.  The Catholic Church has many programs, services, and traditions that are meant to help you get ready for marriage and to work together, to build up your family bond.  We are at your service.

What You Will Want to Consider

For every marriage at San Rocco Oratory, Father Gilligan has to obtain written delegation from the local vicar of Cardinal Cupich, namely Most Rev. Joseph Perry.  By and large, this is merely a matter of routine formality.  The Archdiocese of Chicago has a number of policies for weddings; these guidelines are mostly a reflection of the general law of the Roman Rite.

For example, the rector of San Rocco will meet with you, in part to fill out a marriage form, for both bride and groom.  This interview, given privately to each person, is to give you the opportunity to bring up anything you would like and to confirm that there is no obstacle in the way of the marriage. 

To ensure that neither party was married before and that both parties are ready for marriage, affidavits may be required for both bride and groom.  These affidavits can be filled out in any Catholic parish, anywhere, by parents or good friends.  For the same purpose, a recent baptism certificate is needed for each Catholic party that was baptized. If you were baptized at San Rocco parish, the records are downtown in the archives center.   In the top row, you want to click on Records Request. You can get the necessary records easily by mail.   It has to be a recent certificate, so that we can check for a notation of marriage.  This requirement is a check, to see if an individual is already married or not.  That's why an old certificate is not useful for this purpose.

Your Catholic WeddingIn general, Catholics are not permitted to marry people who are not Catholic.  This is so for the good of the marriage and the preservation of the faith. However, for a good reason, it is possible to apply for a dispensation, an exception to the general law.  If such a dispensation is granted, the Catholic party has to promise to do everything possible to raise the children in the Catholic faith.  This is so because we believe that the Catholic Church has everything that Christ wants us to have, to be happy in this life and in the next, for example, all seven sacraments. In the case of a marriage between a Catholic party and another, marriage will take place in church, within a Liturgy of the Word, not a Mass.

If either bride or groom is not Catholic, then the rector will apply for a dispensation in writing; this is yet another form.  Dispensations are routinely granted, for any good reason.  If either party was married before, and if the previous partner is still living, then we have to find out if the previous marriage was valid or not. 

What You Will Want to Schedule

If you want to schedule a wedding on Sunday, it would be appropriate for you to celebrate your marriage during the regular 10 a.m. Mass.  This way, the regular San Rocco community would celebrate with you and welcome you as a married couple.  There would also be no dilution of the gathering for Sunday Mass, by drawing people away to another Eucharist on this day.  Monday through Saturday, your wedding may be scheduled at any time, as you wish, even in the evening, say at 7 p.m.  It's up to you. 

If you wish, a Christian pastor, a Protestant, can participate in the wedding, in several ways; he or she would be a welcome guest.  If people will be celebrating with you who do not share the Catholic tradition, we will do our best to make them and everyone feel welcome.  If either bride or groom  is Eastern Orthodox, we will help you make arrangements to have the wedding in an Eastern Orthodox Church.  For the Roman Catholic party, we will apply for permission to do so.  

Usually, we would schedule a rehearsal the evening before the wedding, say, at 7 p.m.  This rehearsal is mainly for the benefit of those in the bridal party, so they can practice the opening procession and be at ease during the liturgy.

If you wish to schedule a reception and dinner in our new hall, directly to the east of the parking lot, you are welcome to do so.  We have complete kitchen and dining facilities, for your convenience.  You could certainly have a rehearsal dinner there, as well as the more formal dinner you may be planning for the wedding itself.  To reserve the hall, call Yvette Betancourt at (708) 654-7497.

If both bride and groom are Catholic, preparation will be easier.  Usually, a Mass would be appropriate for the celebration, as the couple decides.   With a shared faith, too, your marriage may well be reinforced and enriched. 

Whatever the case, the couple must meet with Father Gilligan at (708) 331-5485.  Here are directions. Go north on Halsted, turn east on 163rd (Taft).  Go one mile east to State Street and  Taft.  Enter by the black stairs and ring the doorbell.  When you come, you will get some booklets to help you plan your wedding. You can choose the Scripture readings, the songs, etc.

Marriage Preparation Programs Available for You

Seal of the Archdiocese of ChicagoThe Archdiocese of Chicago offers a wide variety of marriage preparation programs, at many locations and convenient dates.   You can make your own choice among these various offerings.  These programs are not so oriented towards the church service as much as to your life in common, in the years to come. 

San Rocco Oratory

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